Cover your smell when tracking and hunting wild game. Use farts, piss and shits wisely
in your attempts to mark out territory from predators and to corral animals.
in your attempts to mark out territory from predators and to corral animals.
Why do so few farts feature in modern day video games?
Why have the most comical moments in human history been removed from video games. Is it a conspiracy, perhaps it is, or perhaps the conspiracy meeting was adjourned due to a fart, and so therefor maybe it is the farts themselves that have conspired to delete themselves from modern video games. But more worrying than sentient farts is the mystery that it most surely is.
And so watch this space because NO RETURN the open world wilderness survival and hunting sim for pc which is set on a truly massive scale will test the water. That's right NO RETURN is going total simulation, when others stop we just keep on pushing.
"Farting will be a key press and if done at the right moments could save your life, done at the wrong moments and you could blow your cover. "
Demo Map Screenshot.
My argument would be, which games claim to be simulators which do not account for gaseous Lower Expulsion Events. or GLEE for short.
In my mind a true simulator would not run away at the thought of adding GLEE, pissing and shitting in the woods. After all smell to animals is more important than sound and vision combined. For some the air isn't just stuff they use, its their communication superhighway and I want to put that in the game. Shit in the woods and if its a bear or wolfs area you best be prepared for a fight. Marking out territory is going to be experimented with as I think it will be comical if you get into a territorial dispute with a brown bear over who has fishing rights on a nice lake. Of course if you have good weapons then the bear will probably lose, until then use your shits wisely.
From these early roots its hoped we can fertilize the idea and make scent a valuable mechanic of the game. Hunting requires cover and covering your smell is a major factor and so we will do our best to add it in. Using shits as a starting point is as good a place as any, I just feel sorry for the poor animator is all. I'm joking I don't think we will take it that far. More likely that a very low poly model will appear on the ground.
Landscape updated : Demo Screenshot View of Gorge
Landscape Updates: Making the wild wilder.
Rolling open fields are now being planted over and more gorges and deep woods added. After all the game is a wilderness survival simulator and I felt the wilderness wasn't living up to the billing. I hope you all agree that the changes have been worth it. What you see in the newest video and screenshots is from the demo version of the game. It is now far harder to work out where you are and each small area is taking on more interest because of the changes. Back in Summer development the landscape was very under populated but now its really starting to come to life. A few more building models have also been added to the map, the church is one of them. Towns will be small but a larger town will feature in the south of the full map which the UN has used as its base.
Click the image for some more information on generations.
GENERATIONS : reincarnation and possession.
Another area I'm keen to add to the game is generations. A few female survivors will be out in the wilderness if you can track them down, you will need to do this if you wish to reproduce. Reproduction will be a new dynamic for the game and I hope it plays a part on the single player missions as well. having a kid tag behind you which you need to keep safe will be an interesting mechanic. Ultimately your character will die and if you haven't reproduced the game ends. The idea being each time you die you take over the child's player and carry on. growing older, picking up experience and so on.
Having a child follow you around isn't that complicated and with a bit of work I'm sure we can have experience settings which you can pass on to the next generation. I don't want it to be a full game experience but for a few years I think its a natural way to end your current characters life and start afresh. This will also mean you need to be better and a more efficient hunter as you will be providing for 2 others. The female character will also be created for this role, becoming playable herself later in development.
Ill take a look at GTA5 and the three main characters and how you switch between them, this could be a good plan for the male and female survivors. Each having slightly different skill sets. For the time being the demo will only feature the male survivor character.
I think its a way to keep the game open as how many years would you expect to be able to live out in the wild. It also allows for totally over the top cinematic effects when your character does finally pass away.
Expect emotions to run high at these moments. I will make them as spectacular and befitting a fallen true survival master as I can coupe with and then times it by 5.
For those less proficient at wilderness survival expect a fair assessment of your skills when nature ends the nightmare for you. Cinematic Cut Scenes I haven't really done yet but I'm looking forward to it. There will be very little in game cut scenes and it will be primarily used for death scenes.
Its going to be interesting to see how it effects the game. It will be optional but I do think it could add a lot to the game experience. Keeping a character alive for infinity doesn't seem a good challenge and the generations would allow a good flow and natural progression. What do you think?
And before you ask, yes the kid AI will most likely be a total disaster and get stuck in trees and god knows what else, the AI might even be fitted with kamikaze mode where the child just goes mental and runs off.
Make every bullet count.
Without ammo you will have to track and kill with traps, melee weapons and a stick bow.
Without ammo you will have to track and kill with traps, melee weapons and a stick bow.
I'm afraid to say the child will be fitted with bone break just like the male player character. Part of me feels as if Ive crossed a line in video game taste but such is. nature is brutal of that we can all agree. If the child does run off and you lose them nature will do what nature does to the vulnerable.
This you will probably experience many times yourself as you try to reach this advanced level in the single player game.
Another area it opens up is massive building projects. As the first survivor you could only lay the foundations for a fort but your son or daughter can finish the job. I hope its a good area to develop. Building a fully functioning catapult is also something I'm looking into. After all what else would you do with any free time if you were stuck out in the wilderness?
Comment question.
What would you build if you were stuck out in the wilderness with no chance of a return to civilization? A pub and herb garden have already been suggested.
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3D Open World Wilderness Survival & Hunting Simulator for PC